What is it About Sugar Sugar™?
Through Ten Years of Work, Trial, Effort and Analytics We've made Sugar Sugar a Sugar Waxing Money Maker that Clients LOVE.
Six Types of Sweet

by Aimee Blake
Ten years ago there wasn't much of a market for any of this. Sugar waxing, sugaring hair removal or waxing by means of sugar were all just thoughts, ideas and salon suites. That meant inventing, molding and defining your own business and creating the solutions for your own issues. While at the time it was incredibly daunting, looking back it feels very rewarding.
Sugar is much different than any form of wax. Sugar bonds molecularly wild wax bonds chemically and has to be heated to congeal. While this would eventually prove to be incredibly beneficial within our business structure as well as the client expectation and result; it was very different called to control initially.
Our first location was in North Scottsdale, Arizona. Depending on the type of year, it can be exceedingly hot, arid, and even cool. In the summer clients would come in with very hot, dry skin making the service difficult. In the fall the sugar would act up (get runny) at the first sign of humidity.
We built our six sugars initially for the ever-changing climate over a year in Arizona. But, we knew it we were going to go national, we would need to provide solutions for every part of the country and every climate within. Our sugars are differently comprised of lemon, water, maltose, fructose, sucrose, and glucose. Some are better with terminal hair (bikini/underarm) and some are better with velus (peach fuzz) hair.
Typically our sugar doesn't have to be heated for best effect. But there are times (if the thermostats are turned down on a cold morning) franchisees will want warmers. Our protocols call for a simple double warmer so that Sugarists can create solutions within the room. There is absolutely no universal sugar. Body parts humidity and temperature very considerably. Our brand Cu3ed Sugar was developed for this reason. We are thrilled to share our science-based solutions as we grow. If you are interested in learning more, reach out to us via our franchise line.