What is it About Sugar Sugar™?
Through Ten Years of Work, Trial, Effort and Analytics We've made Sugar Sugar a Sugar Waxing Money Maker that Clients LOVE.
Real Estate for Your Sugar Wax Franchise Opportunity

-by Aimee Blake
Among Waxing Franchises and Beauty Opportunities, we have a very small “footprint”. What does this mean. Footprint is the size of the location for the actual physical business. Obviously it's extremely important to use every square foot of your space as optimally as possible. Any wasted space accounts for wasted dollars for a business.
As I was helping a franchisee negotiate different locations, it dawned on me to write about our footprint. As it stands every extra dollar per square foot will account for $113 dollars of additional rent per month. But over a year this amount means an additional $1,350 in operating cost for her sugaring spa. So keeping her rate manageable is extremely important.
Our sugaring hair removal franchise concept offers business plans for 950-1550 sq/ft. This is a concise buildout allowing the owner/operator to use EVERY INCH of the business daily. This helps us actuate those spots each and every month.
Another important impact of our footprint is 1200-1500 is a fairly common size. This means more inventory on the market. Allowing for flexibility and negotiating leverage with the property management.
Real estate location will be the most important decision a spa business will have. Rent is the most expensive static expense any wax franchise opportunity. Getting this part right will make or break a business. We have a system of support, site selection and negotiating in place for our franchisees.